Are those hands dirty yet? Have you felt that closeness to the world around you again, getting fresh air and even a little exercise? Or, have you yet to let the sun shine down on your back while breaking a little sweat? Whatever the status of your garden beds or vegetable gardens, it is a thought that is now growing in your mind or somewhere on the horizon.
To continue our ‘Maintenance Month’ discussion, I wanted to first share with you a memory that was sparked just yesterday. Speaking with one of Greenleaf’s longtime client’s, Charyl Singer, about some maintenance issues and her absolutely lovely home and landscape, a memory came to me which I then shared in order to reassure her that we were happy to ‘be her back’ whenever she needed us. Let me explain…
While growing up, teamwork was always big in my household and along with the many other ‘teams’ I was a part of, working together was only deeper ingrained into my being. If a family member or teammate was hurt or was not able to do something, it was up to the other members of the team to pick up the slack and make sure…Things. Got. Done. We were to ‘be their back’ and sometimes even literally because of a pulled muscle or sore whatever. Even if they were not hurt and just asking for help, though, there are always a million other things you could be doing. It felt good to lend a helping hand and still does.
Often when doing maintenance, and especially in Charyl’s case, something that one person may want removed, such as Liriope in this case, can be a benefit when used in other locations. For instance… if someone has an erosion issue and needs well-rooted plants to hold a slope, to occupy an area where turf doesn’t grow well because of sunlight, or maybe because you’ve had it with annual maintenance. These are just a few examples of the steps taken to make a difference while maintaining the gardens we have and love.
If your list of things to do is piling up, you are looking to have a discussion about the things to prepare for or that you need to do, or you simply need some back support, remember that we are here to help. Check out the website under, ‘Landscape & Garden Bed Maintenance’: or download our ‘Landscape and Garden Bed Maintenance’ pdf located under ‘About Us-Resources’: , for a simple checklist of some steps that can be taken to ensure your garden beds remain happy and healthy.
If you would like to speak with one of our team members about receiving whatever support you may be looking for, a quick discussion or consultation is just a phone call (816) 916-5171 away.
Thanks and we’ll see you out there!