It does feel we are stuck with our warm and dry fall conditions. If the weather stays dry, winter watering is the key to success. With below normal precipitation the time is now to think about pulling those hoses out and helping keep things moist. If you have a new or refreshed landscape this year, new and transplanted plants will need extra care up until the ground freezes, so temperature extremes do not damage tender roots.
With a little planning it is easy to get the garden put to bed once our winter temperatures set in. We can help if you are feeling overwhelmed with watering tasks. Simply tell us so we can get you on the schedule.
Mother Nature
We often have to help our Mother Nature keep the landscape needs met. After installation is not the only time we need to pull out the hose and water frequently. The first year after planting is critical for plants to receive adequate and consistent moisture so these warm conditions can aid in root growth.
It can be difficult to check to be sure plants have enough water once the leaves have dropped for the season. Check moisture levels with a flat screwdriver around the root ball and water to supplement the lack of rain. If there is sufficient moisture check back in a couple days to see if the ground has dried out. Help Mother Nature out by giving the landscape a deep drink before the ground freezes. Once snows come it is OK to put excess snow around the base of plants to avoid damaging tender branches. Make sure you don’t salt before shoveling snow into the landscape beds.
Watering for Spring Success
To protect new and existing gardens in an uncertain year we turn to water as a conduit. Winter watering is the key to success. Consistency will keep plants growing happy and healthy in the garden. From fall to frozen ground, even moisture minimizes the stress plants have to endure until they wake in the spring. If we have continued dry conditions a spring plan for watering can assist when we thaw in 2021. Greenleaf will be there to help keep your landscape a beautiful, colorful, vibrant place for you to enjoy again and again. From design to installation and maintenance throughout the year – wherever you need help, we have the answer.
If you need help with winter watering, landscaping or maintenance, call the gardening pros at Greenleaf to help. Call us at (816) 916-5171 or contact us online.
- Looking for low-maintenance landscape solutions? Perennials come back every year. We can help you choose the best ones for the KC area. Learn more by calling the team. Landscape Maintenance
- Got some trouble spots in the landscape? Winter is a great time to plan a spring revival to a dull landscape. Choose plants that will thrive in our Kansas City summer and remember to water them every day. Need help? Just call our design team to the rescue. Landscape and Garden Design or Refresh