Creating a Leawood Rain Garden

This year has been a wet one! With all this added moisture, issues that you were either aware of or those that are now wreaking havoc on your foundation, garden beds, or lawn require immediate attention. While directing water away from your property may the first thought, other options are available that will not only solve your current issue or issues, but also have the ability to turn a detriment into a benefit for yourself and everyone. One option that is continuing to change the way we deal with and think about storm water is the implementation of a rain garden.

Rain gardens are inexpensive and environmentally sound solutions that bring with them the added benefits of: improving water quality through water filtration, conserving water by means of storing it on site and recharging local groundwater, taking care of current issues such as standing water or muddy areas on your property, and creating a beautiful habitat for you and other creatures of this world to enjoy while enhancing the quality of life for all. To add to the benefits listed above, several local municipalities are offering incentives that will help fund such projects. The following recap discusses the steps of one such project in the City of Leawood where a rain garden idea became a reality.

Step 1: Site Visit & Brainstorm

Leawood Rain Garden PicRain Garden Leawood PicSidna and Ray Adams called Greenleaf because of current drainage issues they were having on the north side of their home. Water from their roof, sump pump, and driveway as well as irrigation from a neighboring property was exceeding the holding capacity of their back lawn and eroding areas along an existing garden bed.

Rendering of Rain Garden Pic

Instead of directing water to the nearby storm drain, Greenleaf suggested the implementation of a rock riverbed along their garden to direct water to a proposed rain garden at the corner of their home to remedy the wet area, store water on site, and reduce the amount of runoff while adding yet another element to their already beautiful landscape.

Step 2: City Approval

After the idea was developed and the Storm water Best Management Practices 2015 BMP Cost Share Reimbursement Program was discussed with the Adams, it was time to set a meeting with the city to get approval. A member of the city council visited the site to inspect the project and ensure that this was one that would meet the guidelines set out in the program. Greenleaf was excited when David, the city official, said that he saw no issues with the current project and gave us the go ahead.

Step 3: Implementation

With the idea already in place and the right tools for the job, Greenleaf transformed the Adams’ landscape in no more than a day. The area around the front drive was regraded and a drain was installed at the corner of the driveway to better direct water to the newly created riverbed. Furthermore, downspouts and the sump pump exits were cut to empty into the rock riverbed so the water would end up in the rain garden instead of the turf. The rain garden was then dug and fitted with fabric and stone to prevent erosion and aid in water retention. Photos of the process and work to accomplish this project can be seen in the images below:

Rock Riverbed Dig Photo

Rain Garden Installation Pic




Rain Garden Installation Pic

Rain Garden Installation Leawood Pic









Related Read: 5 Questions to Ask before You Hire a Landscape Company

Final Rain Garden Leawood PicLeawood River Bed Pic








In the end, the Adams project was a great opportunity to make a difference for an individual and solve their current problems as well as have a lasting impact on the environment. Greenleaf was excited to make a difference for them and we look forward to doing similar projects in the future.

If you are having current water or drainage issues or live in a district that is offering similar programs for storm water management, contact Greenleaf Garden Services for a consultation at (816) 916-5171. Thanks and stay warm this winter!